A cadastral map is used to help facilitate land ownership by showing the parcels of land that are have been subdivided. The information usually is controlled by a governmental agency where they can use these type of maps to keep track of who owns what portion of land, how large each portion is and the exact location of each parcel of land. Cadastral maps define the boundaries, clearly, between different parcels of land and also portray an accurate depiction of the shape and size of each parcel of land. This map clearly portrays each parcel of land and shows the streets that they are on, this map helps to portray the ownership of land on a map.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Cadastral Map
A cadastral map is used to help facilitate land ownership by showing the parcels of land that are have been subdivided. The information usually is controlled by a governmental agency where they can use these type of maps to keep track of who owns what portion of land, how large each portion is and the exact location of each parcel of land. Cadastral maps define the boundaries, clearly, between different parcels of land and also portray an accurate depiction of the shape and size of each parcel of land. This map clearly portrays each parcel of land and shows the streets that they are on, this map helps to portray the ownership of land on a map.
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